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Урок № для 1 класу з англійської мови за Г. Мітчелл - School. Smart World. Smart Time.

Конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням навчального посібника Х. К. Мітчелл «Smart Junior 1».

Form: 1


Lesson: Smart World. Smart Time

Topic: School

Aim: to provide children with cross-cultural information, to provide children with cross-curricular information about art, to revise colours.

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Pupil’s book, Student’s Book.



Start the lesson with greeting. Say “Hello”.

Slide 2. Sing the song.


Slide 3. Ball Game

- When everyone has sat down and is ready say, "Hello! My name is ..." and give your name.

- Then tell everyone to stand up. If there is room, have everyone form a circle. Take a ball and hold it and say your name. Then throw the ball to one student and they say their name. Students throw the ball around randomly, saying their name each time they catch the ball.


Slide 4. Phonic Drill. 

Slide 5. Play “Color Stand Up and Jump”

- Give out all of the colored papers, 1 color per student. Tell your students to sit down. 

- Say a color (e.g. "red") and the students holding that color have to quickly stand up, jump and then sit down. Start off slowly and get faster and faster

Main аctivity

Slide 6-8. Work in Student`s book. (p.28-29)

Slide 9. Physical exercise.

Slide 10-11. Work in Activity book. (p.20-21)

Slide 12-13. Alphabet Fun. Letter M.


Slide 14. Choose a Flag

- Place the remaining cards face down in the center of the table.

- Children have to choose a card and tell about flag. (Hi I’m …This is my flag. It`s …)

Slide 15. Online task.

Assessment and evaluation

Slide 16. Reflection.

Slide 17. Children sing the song “Goodbye”

Slide 18. Goodbye!

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