Каталог матеріалів

Урок №79 для 8 класу з англійської мови за О. Карпюк - What do you like to read?

 Конспект уроку aнглійської мови з використанням навчального посібника Карпюк О.Д.  «English 8»

Form: 8


Lesson: 79

Topic: A Daily, a Weekly, a Monthly… What do you like to read?


  • to speak about printing mass media;
  • to have practice in making short dialogues ;
  • to do writing tasks;
  • to develop students’ creativity and reading and writing skills;
  • to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class.

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about mass media

Materials: Power Point Presentation, Student’s Book, Workbook.




Slide 2. Greeting.

Slide 3. Introduction. Aim of the lesson.


Slide 4. The icons of the lesson.

Slide 5. Pre-reading questions.

Main activity:

 Slide 6-7. Work with Student’s Book. a) Guess and match (ex.1,p.182)

Slide 8-10. Work with Student’s Book . b) Read and check your answers in (a)

 ( ex.1, p.182)

Slide 11-12. Work with Student’s Book. Complete the sentences (ex.2,p.183)

Slide 13. Gymnastic for the eyes.


Slide 14. Interactive task 1.

Slide 15-17. Work with Student’s Book. Complete the sentences with the words from the box (ex.3,p.183)

Slide 18-20. Work with Student’s Book. Match, then make sentences with the words in the left column ( ex.4, p.184)

Slide 21-22. Work with Student’s Book. a) Write out the sentences with the same meaning ( ex.5, p.184)

Slide 23-24. Work with Student’s Book. b) Work in pairs. Make up a short dialogue using the sentences you’ve written out from (a) ( ex.5, p.184)



Slide 25-26. Work in Workbook. Solve the Newspaper Crossword ( ex.1, p.81)

Slide 27. Influence of Mass Media on Society .

Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 28. Ending of the lesson. Summarizing.

Slide 29. Ending of the lesson. Say “Goodbye!”

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