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Урок №60 для 4 класу з англійської мови за Г.К. Мітчелл - That’s amazing! Our World. “Popular – more popular – the most popular”, “good – better – the best”, “bad – worse – the worst”

Конспект уроку aнглійської мови з використанням навчального посібника Г. К. Мітчелл «Smart Junior 4».

Form: 4


Lesson: 60

Topic: “That’s amazing! Our World.”

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell about their heroes.

Objectives: to introduce and practice the new vocabulary and grammatical material (degrees of comparison), to listen and read the stories, to say TRUE or FALSE, to answer the questions, to ask and answer, to develop students` listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Structures of the lesson: “Popular – more popular – the most popular”, “good – better – the best”, “bad – worse – the worst”

Materials: Power Point Presentation, Pupil’s Book, Activity Book.




Slide 2. Greeting.

Slide 3. Greeting. Sing a song.


Slide 4. The icons of the lesson.

Main activity:

Slide 5-8. Introduction of the vocabulary. Listen and repeat.

Slide 9. Drag and drop.

Slide 10. Interactive task.

Slide 11. Moving exercise.

Slide 12. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and read. Then answer. Who are Denzel’s, Chen’s and Alia’s heroes? (ex.1, p.76)

Slide 13-16. Listen and read.

Slide 17. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Slide 18. Read and say TRUE or FALSE.

Slide 19. Grammar. Listen and say.

Slide 20. Work with Pupil’s Book. Read activity 1 again and answer the questions. (ex.2, p.77)

Slide 21. Read activity 1 again and answer the questions.

Slide 22. Physical exercise.


Slide 23. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and point. (ex.3, p.77)

Slide 24. Work with Pupil’s Book. Ask and answer with your partner. (ex.4, p.77)

Slide 25. Ask and answer with your partner.

Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 26. Reflection.

Slide 27. Ending of the lesson. Sing a song.

Slide 28. Ending of the lesson. Say “Goodbye!”

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