Каталог матеріалів

Урок №32-33 з англійської мови для 6 класу за Карпюк О. Д. - What About Your Free Time. Grammar. Past Simple Tense

Конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням навчального посібника для 6 класу за автором підручника Карпюк О.Д. та Карпюк К.Т. «English»

Form: 6


Lesson: 32-33

Topic:  What About Your Free Time. Grammar. Past Simple Tense


  • to review knowledge about Past Simple Tense ;
  • to have practice in using it in the context;
  • to speak about past events, to interview your partner about their last birthday;
  • to develop students’ speaking and writing skills;
  • to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class.

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about past events

Materials: Power Point Presentation, Student’s Book, Workbook.




Slide 2. Greeting.

Slide 3. Introduction. Aim of the lesson.


Slide 4. The icons of the lesson.

Slide 5. Storytelling Circle.

Main activity:

Slide 6. Past Simple Tense.

Slide 7-8. Work with Student’s Book. Read and pronounce correctly (ex.1, p.47)

Slide 9-10. Work with Student’s Book. a) Match and read the pairs aloud (ex.2, p.47)

Slide 11. Work with Student’s Book. b) Look at the list of their irregular verbs at the back of the look (ex.2, p.47)

Slide 12-13. Work with Student’s Book. Listen to the rap and sing along (ex.3, p.47)

Slide 14-17. Work with Student’s Book. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple form, as in the example (ex.4, p.48)

Slide 18. Gymnastic for the eyes.


Slide 19-20. Work with Student’s book. Ask and answer in pairs (ex.5, p.48)

Slide 21. Interactive task.

Slide 22-23. Work with Student’s book. Speak about the daily programme you had last summer. Use the words below (ex.6, p.48)

Slide 24. Work with Student’s book. In pairs, ask and answer about yesterday (ex.7, p.48)

Slide 25-26. Work with Student’s book. Interview your partner about their last birthday. Ask if they had a birthday party/birthday cake, what they did, where they went, what games they played, what presents their family members gave them, if they liked their birthday and why (ex.8, p.48)

Slide 27. Comic Strip Creation.

Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 28. Ending of the lesson. Summarizing.

Slide 29. Ending of the lesson. Say “Goodbye!”

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