Каталог матеріалів

Розробки уроків англійської мови для 8 класу за А. Несвіт

№072 - A Concert Review.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell about the concert review “Randy Newman” and about the Ukrainians singers and bands, to put the verbs into the correct tense.

№074 - Famous Composers.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell about Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, to write a short report about a famous composer, to put the verbs into the correct tense form.

№078 - It’s time for reading. In the School Orchestra.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson, the students will be able to retell the plot of the story “In the School Orchestra” written by L. Namioka, to talk about an orchestra they’re signed up to play in.

№080 - My Penfriends.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the modifying adverbs in speech, to introduce themselves and write an email to their friends.