Каталог матеріалів

Розробки уроків англійської мови для 5 класу за Джоанною Коста, Мелані Вільямс

№111 - Події минулого

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use vocabulary about music concert , to have practice in using Wh-questions in the present and past, to have developed writing and speaking skills

№112 - Дикі тварини

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use vocabulary about all kind of animals especially wild animals, to have practice in reading about Alessandro’s summer holidays, to have developed writing and reading skills

№113 - Улюблена тварина

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use vocabulary about all kind of animals especially wild animals, to have practice using Past Simple in reading about Alessandro’s summer holidays, to have developed writing and reading skills

№114 - Домашні тваринки

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use vocabulary about all kind of animals especially pets and farm animals, to have practice in using plural form of nouns, to have developed listening and reading skills

№115 - Домашні улюбленці

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use vocabulary about all kind of animals especially pets and farm animals, to have practice using Past Simple negative form, to have developed writing and reading skills

№116 - Співпраця

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to learn how to decide things with friends, to have practice in describing favorite films, to have developed writing and reading skills

№117 - Співпраця

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to learn how to decide things with friends, to have practice in planning a Saturday afternoon with friends and tell other students what they decide and why, to have developed writing and listening skills

№118 - Повторення. Контроль

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to review vocabulary on topics “ The natural world”, “pets farm animals”, “ Wild animals”, to have practice in using comparatives : short and long adjectives, prepositions: with, for , until, Past simple, to have developed the ability to interview a explorer, writing a haiku