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Урок №65 для 1 класу з англійської мови за О.Д. Карпюк - I can play. I can play. Call the letters the letters Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx

Конспект уроку «Англійської мови» з використанням навчального посібника О. Карпюк


Form: 1


Lesson: 65

Topic: I can play

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson students will be able to name the letters (Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx), to name the words having these letters, to sing an English Alphabet.

Objective: to introduce and practise the letters (Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx), to sing the songs, to fill the missing letters.

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity book. 


Warm up:

Slide 2. Greeting. Say “Hello”.

Slide 3. Greeting. Sing a song.

Slide 4. Greeting. How are you today?


Slide 5. Phonic Drill – [ʃ], [s]. Listen and repeat.

Slide 6. Phonic Drill. Listen and repeat a tongue-twister.

Slide 7. Moving exercise.

Main activity:

Slide 8. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and say it with smiling Sam. (Ex.1, p.95)

Slide 9. Letter Uu. Listen and repeat.

Slide 10. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and sing the phonic song. (Ex.2, p.95)

Slide 11. Find all letters Uu. Then circle them.

Slide 12. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and say it with smiling Sam. (Ex.3, p.95)

Slide 13. Letter Vv. Listen and repeat.

Slide 14. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and sing the phonic song. (Ex.4, p.95)

Slide 15. Find all letters Vv. Then circle them.

Slide 16. Physical exercise.

Slide 17. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and say it with smiling Sam. (Ex.5, p.96)

Slide 18. Letter Ww. Listen and repeat.

Slide 19. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and sing the phonic song. (Ex.6, p.96)

Slide 20. Find all letters Ww. Then circle them.

Slide 21. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and say it with smiling Sam. (Ex.7, p.96)

Slide 22. Letter Xx. Listen and repeat.

Slide 23. Work with Pupil’s Book. Listen and sing the phonic song. (Ex.8, p.96)

Slide 24. Say the words having the letter Xx. What is odd? Circle it.

Slide 25. Look and match.

Slide 26. Interactive task.


Slide 27. Sing a song.

Slide 28. Write the missing letters.

Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 29. Reflection. 

Slide 30. Sing the song.

Slide 31. Say “Goodbye!”

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