Каталог матеріалів

Урок №19 для 1 класу з англійської мови за О.Д. Карпюк - My school. Actualization knowledge on the topic.

Конспект уроку «Англійської мови» з використанням навчального посібника О. Карпюк

Form: 1


Lesson 19

Topic: My school

Outcomes: аt the end of the lesson students will be able to understund the language of the unit and respond to questions and instructoins, to use the vocabulary and structures of the unit in games.

Objective: to revise language of the unit in games, to reflect on students’ learning.

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity Book, school things.


Wаrm up

Start the lesson with greeting. Say “Hello”.

Slide 2. Sing the song.


Slide 3. Ask children “How are you?”.

Slide 4-5. Phonetic exersice.

Slide 6. Sing the song.

Slide 7. Work with picture.

Mаin аctivity

Slide 8. Game “Read my lips” (classroom instructions).

Slide 9-15. Work with Аctivity book.

Slide 16. Interactive task 1 (like task 1 in book)

Slide 17. Physical exercise.


Slide 18. Work with book p.33.

Slide 19. Game “Guess what”

Slide 20. Interactive task 2.

Аssesssmet аnd evаluаtion

Slide 21. Reflection. 

Slide 22. Say goodbye for Smiling Sam.

Slide 23. Children sing the song “Goodbye!”

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