Каталог матеріалів

Розробки уроків англійської мови для 2 класу за Герберт Пухта, Ґюнтер Ґернґрос, Пітер Льюіс-Джонс

№015 - Час

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to ask questions and tell time in different cities in the world, tell the time interpreting different number systems

№020 - У зоопарку

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes, work together in pairs to ask and answer about pictures

№021 - Працівник зоопарку

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to act out the story, to learn the value of helping people through pictures, work out a picture puzzle based on the story

№023 - Їжа для тварин

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to read and listen for specific information, write a description from a model, colour a picture based on verbal clues

№024 - Відгадай, хто це?

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to listen to ideas and respond creatively, to draw a picture based on verbal information, to work together to ask and answer about their own pictures, to participate in actions based on verbal instructions, , to work together to give and respond to instructions