Каталог матеріалів

Урок №13 для 1 класу з англійської мови за О. Карпюк - My school. Yes/No

Конспект уроку «Англійської мови» з використанням навчального посібника О. Карпюк

Form: 1


Lesson 13

Topic: My school

Outcomes: аt the end of the lesson students will be able to understand a question ‘Is it a …?’ and answer positively or negatively.

Objective: to rewiew the name of school things, to introduce YES/NO question, to develop students’ listening skills.

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity Book, box.


Wаrm up

Start the lesson with greeting. Say “Hello”.

Slide 2. Sing the song.


Slide 3. Ask children “How are you?”

Slide 4-5. Phonetic exersice

Slide 6. Remember the icons.

Mаin аctivity

Slide 7. Work with picture “What can you see in it?”

Slide 8-10. Present YES/NO question and answers.

Slide 11-17. Practise YES/NO question and answers.

Slide 18. Work with book.

Slide 19. Physical exercise.


Slide 20. Work with Аctivity book. Work with picture ‘Whаt do you see?’

Slide 21. Making mini flash cards.

Slide 22. Flash card game “What’s in the box?”

Slide 23. Work with book.

Slide 24-36.Game “What’s missing?”

Аssesssmet аnd evаluаtion

Slide 37. Online task. 

Slide 38. Reflection. 

Slide 39. Children sing the song “Goodbye!”

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