Каталог матеріалів

Урок №78 для 8 класу з англійської мови за М.В. Буренко - Ukrainian Books.

 Конспект уроку aнглійської мови з використанням навчального посібника Буренко В.М.  «English»

Form: 8


Lesson: 78

Topic: Books. Ukrainian Books.


  • to introduce the new vocabulary;
  • to read about books in Ukraine;
  • to work in groups, completing the table;
  • to do a project work;
  • to develop the students’ reading and speaking skills;
  • to promote thinking and creative imagination;
  • to promote positive attitude through studying the language.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell the history of the appearance of the books in Ukraine.

Materials: Power Point Presentation, Student’s Book, Workbook.




Slide 2. Greeting.

Slide 3. Introduction. Aim of the lesson.


Slide 4. The icons of the lesson.

Main activity:

Slide 5. Work with Student’s Book. Read the text, choose the most informative, in your opinion, sentences. Say what new information you have got. But first answer these questions. (ex.9, p.145)

Slide 6. Answer the questions.

Slide 7. Vocabulary. Read the words and their translation.

Slide 8-9. Read a text.

Slide 10. Look and match.

Slide 11. Interactive task 1.

Slide 12. Interactive task 2.

Slide 13. Work with Students’ Book. Work in groups. Complete the table. (ex.10, p.146)

Slide 14. Complete the table.

Slide 15. Work in Workbook. Work in groups. Complete the table. (ex.6, p.70)


Slide 16. Work with Students’ Book. Project work. Choose a poet about whom you’d like to tell your classmates and do an informative project about him or her. Present it to the class. (ex.11, p.146)

Slide 17. Project Work.

Slide 18. Present your project to your classmates.

Slide 19. Work in Workbook. Choose the writer or poet about whom you’d like to tell your classmates and write a short story about him or her. Present it to the class. (ex.7, p.70)

Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 20. Ending of the lesson. Summarizing.

Slide 21. Ending of the lesson. Say “Goodbye!”

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