Каталог матеріалів

Урок №37 для 1 класу з англійської мови за О. Карпюк - My pets. Description of pets and animals.

Конспект уроку «Англійської мови» з використанням навчального посібника О. Карпюк

Form: 1


Lesson 37

Topic: My pets

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the names of some farm animals, to follow and understand the order of the story, to make presentations of pets and animals describing their size and colour, to sing the song.

Objective: to introduce new vocabulary, to practice the structure of the previous lessons, to describe pets and animals, to sing the song, to develop students’ listening and speaking skills.

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity book, scissors.


Warm up

Start the lesson with greeting. Say “Hello”.

Slide 2. Sing the song.


Slide 3. Ask children “How are you?”, after students ask one by one their classmates.

Slide 4-5. Phonetic exercise.

Slide 6. Work with chant.

Main activity

Slide 7-15. Work with pictures. What colours of animals.

Slide 16-25. Present new vocabulary.

Slide 26. Watch the video about farm.

Slide 27-29. Make and play with mini flashcards.

Slide 30. Physical exercise.


Slide 31. Watch the story.

Slide 32. Work with book.

Slide 33. Work in activity book.

Slide 34. Sing the song.

Slide 35. Play the game “Guess the animal”.

Slide 36. Online task

Assessment and evaluation

Slide 37. Reflection. 

Slide 38. Say goodbye for Smiling Sam.

Slide 39. Children sing the song “Goodbye!”

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