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Урок №1 для 2 класу з англійської мови за О.Д. Карпюк - Unit 1. Starter. Nice to see you again.


Конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням навчального посібника О.Карпюк «English with Smiling Sam 2»

Form: 2


Lesson: 1

Topic: Starter. Nice to see you again.

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson the students will be able to introduce themselves, identify the characters, to retell ABC and to say the first letter of their names.

Objectives: to review the greeting, the characters’ names and structures of the previous school year, to revise the ABC.

Structures: Who is he/she? He/She is … Nice to see you again. My name begins with the letter …

Materials: Power Point presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity Book.



Slide 2. Greeting. Say “Hello!”.

Slide 3. Sing the song.

Slide 4. Pair work (Introduction)

Slide 5-6. Game “Happy!” (Catch the smile!)

Main activity:

Slide 7. Work with text book: Listen and repeat! (ex.1 p.6)

Slide 8-12. Guessing: Who is he/she?

Slide 13. Work with text book: Point, ask and answer! (ex.2, p.6)

Slide 14. Physical exercise.

Slide 15. ABC revision. Work with book: Listen and repeat! (ex.3, p.7)

Slide 16. What is the letter?

Slide 17 - 20. What letter is missing?

Slide 21. Sing the “ABC Song”


Slide 22. Work in Activity book: Fill in the missing letters (ex.1, p.4)

Slide 23. Draw the first letter of your name. Then say “My name begins with the letter …”

Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 24. Reflection. 

Slide 25. Ending of the lesson. Sing the song “Goodbye!”

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