Каталог матеріалів

Урок №91 для 2 класу з англійської мови за Герберт Пухта - На пляжі

Конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням навчального посібника для 2 класу за автором підручника Герберт Пухта, Ґюнтер Ґернґрос, Пітер Льюіс-Джонс “ Quick Minds”

Form: 2


Lesson 91

Topic: At the beach

Objectives: to sing song with the class, to give further practice with Let’s for suggestions

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to join in with a song, to sing together as a class, to write their own ideas for the song

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity Book.


Wаrm up

Start the lesson with greeting. Say “Hello”.

Slide 2. Sing the song.


Slide 3. Phonetic exercise.

Slide 4. Warm up. Interactive task 1.

Mаin аctivity

Slide 5-8. Work with book.

Slide 9. Gymnastic for eyes.

Slide 10-11. Work in Activity book.

Slide 12. Physical exercise.

Slide 13. Interactive task.

Аssesssment аnd evаluаtion


Slide 14. Reflection.

Slide 15. Children sing the song “Goodbye!”

Slide 16. Say goodbye.

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