Каталог матеріалів

Урок №64 для 5 класу з англійської мови за Джоанною Коста - Семестровий контроль з письма

Конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням навчального посібника для 5 класу за автором підручника Джоанни Коста, Мелані ВільямсPrepare 5”

Form: 5


Lesson 64

Topic: Semester I. Revision

Objectives: to test the knowledge and skills of students on the development of writing skills and speaking comprehension for the 1st semester

 Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to test the knowledge and skills on the development of writing skills and speaking comprehension for the 1st semester

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity Book.


Wаrm up

Start the lesson with greeting. Say “Hello”.

Slide 2. Sing the song.


Slide 3. Speaking exercise.

Mаin аctivity

Slide 4. Revise Grammar. The Verb have got.

Slide 5. Revise Grammar. Present Simple Tense.

Slide 6. Gymnastic for eyes.

Slide 7. Writing Comprehension Test.

Slide 8. Revise Vocabulary “ At Home”.

Slide 9. Gymnastic for eyes.

Slide 10-16. Speaking Comprehension Test.

Аssesssment аnd evаluаtion

Slide 17. Reflection.

Slide 18. Say goodbye.

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