Каталог матеріалів

Урок №24 з англійської мови для 6 класу за Карпюк О. Д. - My Amazing Family. My family

Конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням навчального посібника для 6 класу за автором підручника Карпюк О.Д. та Карпюк К.Т. «English»

Form: 6


Lesson: 24

Topic:  My Amazing Family. My family


  • to write about family;
  • to learn using apostrophe in the context ;
  • to describe own family ;
  • to develop students’ writing and speaking skills;
  • to provide a stable and welcoming atmosphere in the class.

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about family

Materials: Power Point Presentation, Student’s Book, Workbook.




Slide 2. Greeting.

Slide 3. Introduction. Aim of the lesson.


Slide 4. The icons of the lesson.

Slide 5. Family Story Starters.

Main activity:

Slide 6-7. Work with Student’s Book. Look at the picture and help Nell to finish her e-mail. Use the scheme to describe Nell’s family members ( ex.1, p.36)

Slide 8-9. Work with Student’s Book. Write about your family ( ex.2, p.36)

Slide 10. Gymnastic for the eyes.


Slide 11. Look!

Slide 12-14. Work in Workbook. Look at the family tree and write if the sentences on page 26 are true or false. Then correct and rewrite the false sentences (ex.1, p.25)

Slide 15-16. Work in Workbook. Now write about the McDonnells (ex.2, p.26)

Slide 17. Interactive task .

Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 18. Ending of the lesson. Summarizing.

Slide 19. Ending of the lesson. Say “Goodbye!”

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