Каталог матеріалів

Урок №11 для 7 класу з англійської мови за О. Карпюк - After school. New Technology and Children.

 Конспект уроку aнглійської мови з використанням навчального посібника Карпюк О.Д. «English»

Form: 7


Lesson: 11

Topic: “In and out of school. After school. New Technology and Children.”


  • to introduce and practise the new vocabulary;
  • to listen to the audio and discuss about children’s actions online;
  • to ;practise ‘too’ and ‘enough’;
  • to ask and answer the questions in pairs;
  • to develop students’ listening skills;
  • to promote positive attitude through studying the language.

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the new vocabulary in oral speech, to say what they can do online, to use ‘too’ and ‘enough’ in oral and written speech.

Structures of the lesson: “There is not enough practice.”, “There is too much information.”

Materials: Power Point Presentation, Student’s Book, Workbook.




Slide 2. Greeting.

Slide 3. Introduction. Aim of the lesson.


Slide 4. The icons of the lesson.

Main activity:

Slide 5. Introduction of the vocabulary. Listen and repeat.

Slide 6. Read and match.

Slide 7. Grammar. Listen and remember.

Slide 8. Interactive task.

Slide 9. Work with Student’s Book. Listen and find out what you mustn’t do online. (ex.1, p.26)

Slide 10. Work in Workbook. Listen to the chat show in task 1 on page 26 of your Student’s Book, then listen to the talk with an expert in task 6 on page 38 (SB) and match the words with their definitions. (ex.11, p.22)

Slide 11. Work with Student’s Book. Listen again and say if the sentences below are true or false. (ex.2, p.26)

Slide 12. Listen again and say if the sentences below are true or false.

Slide 13. Asking for Opinion and Feelings. Listen and remember.

Slide 14. Work with Student’s Book. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. (ex.3, p.27)

Slide 15. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

Slide 16. Work in Workbook. Read the sentences below and tick the ones Emma, Mrs. Golding and Mr. Boyd mention. (ex.12, p.22)


Slide 17. Work with Student’s Book. Look back at the sentences in task 2. Ask your partner for his/her opinion. (ex.4, p.27)

Slide 18. Work in Workbook. Answer the questions. (ex.13, p.23)

Slide 19. Work with Student’s Book. Listen and sing the song. (ex.5, p.28)

Slide 20. Listen and sing the song.

Assessment and evaluation:

Slide 21. Ending of the lesson. Summarizing.

Slide 22. Ending of the lesson. Say “Goodbye!”

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